You always give such excellent recommendations! I started reading Karakida because of your mentions on Twitter & loved it. Now I'm about to snatch up Utsubora & put 1-2 others on my reading list. I should definitely read more manga in 2023... although one unexpected gem I discovered last year was Yajikita in Deep by Shiriagari Kotobuki. (You mentioned you don't read comedy but trust me, it's so much more than that.) Anyway, thank you for the recs!

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That's so kind! I just bought volume 2 of Karakida, which came out a few months ago.

Shiriagari It's not that I don't like comedy, I just tend to choose the non-comedy option, whenever I have to make a choice. Kotobuki sounded familiar and it's because we read one of his manga in a class on Fukushima. This looks fantastic! The kindle version is extremely cheap for some reason so I bought a copy while I was writing my reply :P

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Interesting, I'd never heard of Shiriagari before a friend suddenly gifted me all four volumes. His style is called 'heta-uma' because it looks bad but actually takes a lot of skill. And I love the physical editions because the panels are deliberately printed slightly tilted on the pages (which I didn't notice until my friend pointed it out), which sort of emphasizes the dreamlike Yoshiwara/Edo period atmosphere.

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